Drama III - Influential Practitioners
Prerequisite: Drama 1&2/ Teacher Referral
This is an upper level Theatre Class. In this class you will begin to deepen your connection to characters by exploring the work of influential directors such as Konstantin Stanislavsky, Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg (Method Acting), and Anne Bogart to name a few. We will also work on defining what it means to be “in the moment” and what makes a believable and truthful performance through your rehearsal of Monologues, two person scenes, and group scenes. In Theatre, you are the art that is being viewed. Please be prepared that this is a practical class and you should expect to be actively participating as an essential component of this class.
This is an upper level Theatre Class. In this class you will begin to deepen your connection to characters by exploring the work of influential directors such as Konstantin Stanislavsky, Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg (Method Acting), and Anne Bogart to name a few. We will also work on defining what it means to be “in the moment” and what makes a believable and truthful performance through your rehearsal of Monologues, two person scenes, and group scenes. In Theatre, you are the art that is being viewed. Please be prepared that this is a practical class and you should expect to be actively participating as an essential component of this class.
Pencils! (Script work will be marked down if in pen)
Single Subject, College-Ruled Spiral Notebook
*** Recommended Classroom Donations = Pencils, Kleenex, Paper Towels, Glue Sticks
Pencils! (Script work will be marked down if in pen)
Single Subject, College-Ruled Spiral Notebook
*** Recommended Classroom Donations = Pencils, Kleenex, Paper Towels, Glue Sticks

drama_3_syllabus.pdf |

actor_lead_warm_up_outline_.docx |

actor_lead_warm_up_rubric.docx |