Neil Simon's
Rumors takes place during the 1980s in uptown Manhattan where Charley and Myra Brock are celebrating their 10th anniversary and have invited all their good friends over for a dinner party. Chris and Ken Gorman, a legal couple, are the first ones to arrive. They show up only to find that Myra is missing and Charley has “accidentally” shot himself in the ear. Charley is unconscious and so unable to tell them what happened. Charley is the deputy Mayor of New York City and, hoping to avoid a scandal, Ken and Chris go about covering up what they assume to be the truth of the situation. As the rest of the guests arrive the story of Charley and Myra’s anniversary evening gone awry grows and develops. In the end all the guests are complicit in a cover-up that no one even really understands, but the fantastical events of the evening are hilarious and give a rich basis for great characters doing what Neil Simon does best – making the mundane…insane!
Rumors takes place during the 1980s in uptown Manhattan where Charley and Myra Brock are celebrating their 10th anniversary and have invited all their good friends over for a dinner party. Chris and Ken Gorman, a legal couple, are the first ones to arrive. They show up only to find that Myra is missing and Charley has “accidentally” shot himself in the ear. Charley is unconscious and so unable to tell them what happened. Charley is the deputy Mayor of New York City and, hoping to avoid a scandal, Ken and Chris go about covering up what they assume to be the truth of the situation. As the rest of the guests arrive the story of Charley and Myra’s anniversary evening gone awry grows and develops. In the end all the guests are complicit in a cover-up that no one even really understands, but the fantastical events of the evening are hilarious and give a rich basis for great characters doing what Neil Simon does best – making the mundane…insane!
Thursday, October 25th, 2018 @7pm
Friday, October 26th, 2018 @7pm
Saturday, October 27th, 2018 @2pm* & 7pm
Sunday, October 28th, 2018 @2pm* & 7pm
*These performances are the Alt Cast performances
Friday, October 26th, 2018 @7pm
Saturday, October 27th, 2018 @2pm* & 7pm
Sunday, October 28th, 2018 @2pm* & 7pm
*These performances are the Alt Cast performances